Friday, May 24, 2013

7 Months

Mother's Day

We met up with my family for Mother's Day at my aunt's house in Ottowa, Eli was a hit, being the only baby (other older kids were running around).

Playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Luke around Great Grandma

He knows Luke has to come out one side...

...or the other!


He gets very serious when playing with his toys; staring intently at them, studying them from every angle, chasing them around the floor, tasting them, and sometimes rolling after them.

This one tastes like... blue.

Last Friday we went up to Wichita for a few things and met up with some friends for ice cream. We stayed out a little past Eli's bedtime, and he was being really good, but so serious! Just looking at everything...

Last week, I was working in the living room with Eli playing on the floor, and I could hear him moving around (he's been rolling and scooting a lot lately), next thing I know, I look up and he's half-way down the hall!

He was on his tummy, and would push himself backward with his hands, scooting along feet-first!

Talking with Dad

7 Months!

This was the best picture I could get with the monkey.

He was more interested in the dirt and grass!

We bought this hat for him for the summer; he hates the sun,
 but won't wear sunglasses, so hat it is!

Exploring the yard

Can't quite climb over the railroad tie

What is this? Wood?

Eli wearing his hat when we went to a friend's house for dinner, and he brought them some flowers!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

First Tooth!

We knew he was getting close, and sure enough, on Wednesday his first tooth came through! It is still hard to see, but that little thing is sharp!

I made him some 'teething biscuits' last week and he likes to chew on them; they eventually get soft enough for him to swallow, or just fall apart and I end up throwing away the pieces, but either way it keeps him entertained for a few minutes.

Chillin' on the sofa with his biscuit
Hands free!
He has also figured out how to blow raspberries with his lips just these last few days. It was pretty entertaining the last couple of weeks while he was trying to learn how; he would blow but not make any noise, look at us confused ("why didn't that work?"), we would do it, he would watch really close, and then try again and again. Finally, success!