Thursday, April 25, 2013

6 Months

Half a year flown by! Where have the days gone? And where has my little baby gone? Eli is now wearing 12 month clothes easily, along with a few of the bigger 9 month clothes. We went to the doctor today and he weighs 21 pounds 14.5 ounces (96.7 percentile), 28.75 inches tall (97.5 percentile). The doctor was impressed with his strength despite his size (some bigger babies have motor delays because it's harder to move all that mass!) and said he looks like a very healthy boy!

- sitting up without assistance (at least for short periods)
- can roll from front to back (not yet from back to front consistently without a little help)
- eats lots of different things and has yet to refuse or spit anything out on purpose
- just found his feet the last few weeks and loves to play with them
- reaches for and grasps toys
- can occasionally wave when prompted (and if he wants to!)
- still LOVES his jonny jump up and will bounce on his legs if someone is holding him where he is standing on his legs
- no teeth yet, but he loves to chew on things and tries to put everything in his mouth
- he loves when people talk to him, even people he doesn't know, and will usually give them big smiles!

Helping Mom and Dad pack for an overnight trip!

6 Month Pictures!

 My happy boy!

What are you doing? I didn't want my
picture taken today.

Just kidding!

No, really, why didn't I know about this before?
I would have done something different with my hair.

Oh, wait! I don't have enough hair for anything else!

But I can eat the camera.

'cuse me! Are we done yet?

Not until we get a good picture?

How's this? Do you like my spit bubble?

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