Monday, December 22, 2014

2015 Adventures!

We are setting off to a new adventure! As most of you know (but some may not), we will be starting off the new your in a new state; Arizona.

To explain from the beginning, I need to go back to August; this is when we first started thinking about change. Our initial thought was to move towards the Joplin Missouri area to be closer to Josh's sister Rachel (but mostly her two kids, Scout and Rhuey, who are around Eli's age). We love you Rachel and Vance, but we love your kids just a little bit more. Not even gonna try to deny it.

Anyway, in thinking about trying to find a new job, in a new city, in a new state (for me, Sara), I contacted a travel nurse agency (see below for more details on travel nursing), thinking they would be able to help me with getting a Missouri license and finding a job. They can, but as we began going down that road, we started thinking, "why move NOW? What's stopping us from [nurse] traveling for a while before we settle down in a new place?" We would both be quitting the jobs we have now, selling our house and packing up everything anyway. Why not? Eli is not in school and he's young and generally more flexible now than he would be later.

We decided to try this travel nursing and spend time with some family we don't get to see as much; first stop, Arizona! Most of Josh's mom's family is in the Mesa area, so that is where we are headed. I start work at a children's hospital in Mesa on January 5th and my contract ends April 4th. For now, that's what we know. If we don't hate the travel nurse life, we would like to visit the Seattle area next, but that is not official in any way; just an idea right now.

How long will we do travel nursing? Will we go to other places after this? We don't know yet.
Are we still going to Joplin after travel nursing? No. For several reasons, we have decided against that idea. I think it was more of a stepping stone idea God used to get us to where we are now. Funny how He works sometimes, isn't it?
What WILL we do after travel nursing? Not really sure right now. (You love my answers, don't you?) :)
A lot of things are in the 'wait and see' file. We feel this is where God has brought us for now, and what He does next or where He leads us is up to Him!

Pray for us, email us, text us, keep up with our adventures on the blog and Facebook; we would love to hear from you! We are already missing the people we are used to seeing most often, and I know we will miss other people along the way, but we will also be making stronger relationships with family and friends we would otherwise not see or be around. What opportunities! What adventures!

**A note about travel nursing:
for those of you who might be wondering "what in the world is that?" or, "how does that work?"... I am employed by an agency that hospitals contact to say they need specific help for a specific period (i.e. a pediatric nurse from January to April), the agency then sends applications from the nurses they employ that fit the requirements set by the hospital. The hospital will conduct phone interviews with applicants to determine who they would like to hire, if they like me and I like them, we sign a contract saying I will work for them for the specified period. Technically, I am not 'moving' every time we go to a new hospital, the government sees it as 'business travel' (as long as I don't stay in one place for more than 52 weeks) and I get reimbursements for mileage, housing and meals, along with regular pay. The agency helps me find the jobs themselves, but they also support me every step of the way; they help get paperwork lined up (trust me, it's a lot of paperwork!), my nursing license for the state I'm going to, housing, etc. as well as moral support. :) They do this all the time!

Now, some very,very late BIRTHDAY pictures!

I made this cake for his birthday; two layer chocolate with cream cheese and oreo filling, with chocolate ganashe and 'dirt' on top. It was good, let me tell you. Even those who may not love chocolate would like this.

You would think Eli is reaching for the cake, wouldn't you? But, no! He loves his tractors! That's all he wanted. I had managed to hide the fact that I borrowed his tractors for the cake, but as soon as he saw them, it was, "oh, my TRACTOR!"

On his birthday, he also got the special treat of riding in the car at the Walmart entrance. He doesn't look too thrilled in the picture, but trust me, it was greatly enjoyed and not soon (ever) forgotten.