Friday, January 25, 2013


Scarface is Josh's new nickname for Eli. It seemed appropriate in light of Eli's new propensity to violently scratch himself all over his face, evidence below in the videos. But the videos are really to show how talkative he has become! This doesn't do justice to just how expressive and vocal he is, and how long he will talk to someone paying attention to him. The iPod distracts him a little. :)  I love his little voice and the serious looks he has on his face when he talks!

He is also starting to chew on things, mostly his fingers because he hasn't figured out how to get a hold of other things, but he'll chew on anything that happens to be by his mouth or his hands!

Reading the Jesus Storybook Bible with Dad before bed.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jump, jump!

Eli kicks and likes to 'stand' with someone's help, so I thought he would like this jumper! He hasn't quite figured it out yet, but he still likes it. I can't wait to see what he does with it in the future!

I love his faces!

Friday, January 11, 2013




 He has started noticing things around him more, including my iPod when I'm trying to take pictures! He could have been doing something really cute, but the minute he sees the iPod I get this face... blank, staring, no smile... but still cute with his pudgy cheeks and big eyes! This is his "I see something, so I just stare at it" face. The eyebrows get me every time. 

I let him look at pictures on the iPod this morning (mostly of himself!), he just stared for a while, but then gave a big smile (at a picture of himself)! He also loves the ceiling fan, amazing, shiny, and spinny that it is. You would think it's his best friend they way he stares at it and smiles!

I started back to work last week and he is staying with a close friend just while Josh is at work (since I leave so early and get back so late). I am back to work full time, but for me that means 3 12-hour shifts a week, so I'm only gone 3 days! I miss him when I'm gone, but work has been so crazy I barely have time to think about it (until I see a cute little baby, then I think "my baby is way cuter than this adorable baby").

He is 12 weeks old now! His 0-3 month clothes are getting tight around the tummy, but the next size is still a little baggy, so we're still in this size for maybe another week or so before we move up. 


...not friends!

Ha, ha! Just kidding!

Playing with Mr Monkey!

He's watching Daddy.... then he looks over towards me... 

Oh! He sees the iPod!

Another one of his new things is to hold his hands over his tummy... and sometimes he tries to put both fists in his mouth. At the same time.

That's right, he sees the iPod

Playing on his tummy

It's all fun and games until it's nap time

Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Snow!

Honestly, Eli really didn't care one way or another about the snow, but it was fun anyway!

Yeah, it's cool I guess...


Yuck! Daddy, what are you doing?!
This is not milk!

For those who might think we can't dress our child warm enough (!), I know we didn't put a coat on him, but we were only outside for a minute or two, tops. And he had a hat! :)

This last week I finally finished painting this for Eli's room. I had painted the owls before he was born, but, for obvious reasons, had to wait to paint the rest! Josh made me the frame for it, so now we just need to hang it up.